
Top 10 tips for Deep Sleep

Friends as you know ” Health is wealth “. “You are nothing without health. To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him”. How can you control you mind if it’s not taking good rest. It in this era every one is going through many problems and he can’t sleep easily even he tries his best to sleep. Listed below we have compiled a list of top ten tips to sleep deeply. It can help you to sleep very well. So take a look at top ten tips to sleep deeply.

Sleep Tip #1 - Give Yourself Enough Time to Sleep

Everyone needs a different amount of sleep to function normally - on average this is about 7.5 to 8.5 hours per night. If you have to press the snooze button in the morning, or drag yourself out of bed feeling exhausted, then you're probably not getting enough shuteye and are suffering from sleep deprivation. Give yourself a fair chance of getting sufficient sleep by going to bed earlier, preferably before midnight.

Sleep Tip #2 - Don’t Treat Your Brain Like a Light Switch

 Light switches are pretty amazing. You flip them one way, and the room is instantly flooded with light. Flip them the other way, and the room goes dark. Absolutely nothing in your body works like this, and this is especially true of your brain. Changes in our bodies and brains happen gradually. Watching an exciting movie, focusing on work, exercising, or even dwelling on the problems of the day (or the next day) all push the brain into go mode. It then takes hours for the brain to calm down. If you do these things right before bed time, the odds are you’ll have trouble falling asleep.

Sleep Tip #3 - Avoid Stimulants at Night

The main culprits are coffee, tea, chocolate and soda drinks - these all contain caffeine which will keep your body and mind alert for hours. This will also prevent you from getting deep non-REM sleep. Be conscious of your caffeine intake and how it causes any sleep deprivation and you will soon understand how to sleep better naturally.

Sleep Tip #4 - Switch off Your Phone

When you go to bed to sleep you must switched off you cellphone. In this way no one is going to disturb you for nothing. It’s vital to wind down for a few hours before bedtime, so try not to work or check your emails after 8pm, and switch off your phone.

Sleep Tip #5 - Pick a good pillow before sleep

Choosing the right pillow can make a huge difference to the quality of  your sleep. It must provide adequate support for the neck and head and keep your spine in line with your neck. If you sleep on your side, use a medium-soft one and if you sleep on your back, use a firm pillow. It will help you to sleep deeply.

Sleep Tip #6 - Set a Bedtime Routine

A regular routine tells your mind and body to start winding down for the night. Make it a relaxing one - don't sit up on the computer til your brain is frazzled and you want to pass out. Some people like to have a light snack about an hour before bed so as not to sleep on an empty stomach. Also try a cup of herbal tea to relax jittery nerves. Always empty your bladder before bed so it doesn't wake you up during the night and disturb you.

Sleep Tip #7 - 
Take supplements

Supplements like calcium and magnesium can aid sleep. Magnesium is known as ‘nature’s tranquiliser’ and helps the body deal with stress more effectively by calming the mind and relaxing the muscles.

Sleep Tip #8 - 
Meditate Before Bed

Mediation is a wonderful way to prepare your body for sleep. In addition to clearing your mind of distracting, stimulating thoughts, meditation syncs mind and body, helping both to relax and transition into sleep. 

Sleep Tip #9 - 

Curb your caffeine

Use Just one cup of coffee at bedtime can cause problems in getting off to sleep and affect the quality of slumber – ­especially that of deep sleep. If you have trouble dropping off, it’s best not to drink it after 2pm. Try ­relaxing teas likes camomile or Valerian instead. If you have trouble dropping off, it’s best not to drink it after 2pm. Try ­relaxing teas likes camomile or Valerian instead.

Sleep Tip #10 - 

Eat right

Try not to overeat before bedtime as it may cause you discomfort and can also cause a surge in body temperature, making it hard to fall asleep. But don’t eat too little either as your body needs nutrients to repair itself, and hunger pangs may keep you awake or wake you during the night.


  1. These tips are really helpful to cure sleeplessness. But for regularizing sleep cycle herbal supplements for insomnia is good and effective.

  2. Thanks for posting this helpfull blog.This is very informative.Stabilize your hormone levels, mood, and weight with the best 10 tips to sleep easier and get rid of sleep disorders to gain optimal health.
